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Castanea Resort Championship 2022

Golfresort Adendorf
Moorchaussee 3, 21365 Adendorf, Germany
Mastercourse Castanea
26.09.2022 - 28.09.2022
ProAm Date:
Closing date:
15.09.2022 12:00 (noon CET)
Golfclub website:
Prize money:
€ 50,000.00
Contact the tournament office

Player Information

Entry List

# Last name First name Country Status OoM
1 Adank Niklas Germany Pro sponsors invite
2 De Bondt Alan Belgium Pro 2
3 Hirmer Michael Germany Pro 3
4 Van Doren Yente Belgium Pro 4
5 Schulz Felix Austria Pro 6
6 Veyret Victor France Pro 7
7 Toorop Mike Netherlands Pro 8
8 Cafourek Jan Czech Republic Pro 9
9 Katich Philipp Germany Pro 10
10 Antonisse Dario Netherlands Pro 11
11 Iten Marco Switzerland Pro 13
12 De Bruyn Jannik Germany Pro 14
13 Perkins Trystan England Pro 15
14 Guichard Clement France Pro 16
15 Schütz Yannick Germany Pro 17
16 Simpson Henry France Pro 18
17 Pansart Mathis France Pro 20
18 Auboin Antoine France Pro 21
19 Markovits Mats Netherlands Pro 22
20 Bootsma Philip Netherlands Pro 23
21 Fleer Finn Germany Pro 25
22 Kraai Stan Netherlands Pro 26
23 Lguirati Ayoub Morocco Pro 27
24 Galliano Luca Switzerland Pro 28
25 Bräunig Christian Germany Pro 29
26 Albertus Max Netherlands Pro 30
27 Verdonk Aydan Netherlands Pro 31
28 Petit Alexandre France Pro 33
29 Thalmayr Benedikt Germany Pro 34
30 Kreutzer Julius Germany Pro 35
31 Lechner Maximilian Austria Pro 36
32 Meyer de Beco James Belgium Pro 37
33 Trehet Victor France Pro 38
34 Moore Fraser Scotland Pro 39
35 Clerici Fiorino Switzerland Pro 40
36 Hilburger Hannes Germany Pro 41
37 Pietzsch Dominik Germany Pro 42
38 Fuchs Dennis Germany Pro 43
39 Hietala Alex Finland Pro 46
40 de Wouters Jean Belgium Pro 47
41 Buijs Lars Belgium Pro 48
42 Bordone Camille France Pro 49
43 Mueller Ferdinand Germany Pro 50
44 Pospisil Michal Czech Republic Pro 54
45 Foulquie Paul France Pro 55
46 Bertrand Carl France Pro 56
47 Schüpbach Loris Switzerland Pro 58
48 Heurtin Clement France Pro 59
49 Lang Linus Germany Pro 60
50 Gras Lukas Germany Pro 62
51 Korinek Ales Czech Republic Pro 64
52 Danek Stepan Czech Republic Pro 65
53 Bem Leonard France Pro 66
54 Dietzel Brandon Germany Pro 67
55 Pouguet Antoine France Pro 68
56 Calvet Nicolas France Pro 69
57 Blyth Nicklas Germany Pro 70
58 Girao Joao Portugal Pro 71
59 Trey Nathan France AM 72
60 Burman Lassi Finland Pro 74
61 Büschges Tom Germany Pro 76
62 Lencart e Silva Pedro Portugal Pro 77
63 Etchenique Andoni France Pro 79
64 Ahoua Arnaud Wales Pro 81
65 Edwards Owen Spain Pro 82
66 Esposito Hugo Spain Pro 83
67 Naveau Gabriel France Pro 85
68 Sliwka Sebastian F. Germany Pro 86
69 Felder Zeno Switzerland Pro 90
70 Gaster Clemens Austria Pro 93
71 Darthenay Louis France Pro 94
72 Alexander Yannik Austria Pro 97
Waiting list          
  Oppenheimer Yannic Germany Pro 100
  Lecomte Thomas Switzerland AM 105
  Rabassa Pierre France Pro 109
  Piaget Sandro Monaco Pro 110
  Tack Daniel Germany Pro 112
  Mayer Maximilian Austria Pro 118
  Wedema Michael Netherlands Pro 119
  Kuttnigg Christoph Austria Pro 128
  Rinaldo Mathieu France Pro 135
  Krzenck Wenzel Germany Pro 136
  Dimitrijevic Mihailo Serbia Pro T138
  McLean Philip Scotland Pro T141
  Coles Philip Germany Pro T141
  Moosmeier Florian Germany Pro T153
  Kewalramani Brandon United States Pro 157
  Francois Mathieu France Pro T160
  Vik Jiri Czech Republic Pro T165
  Griffiths Jonathan Germany Pro T165
  Grieb Maximilian Germany Pro T165
  Reinert Ron Cedric Germany AM T165
  Soller Severin Germany Pro T165
  Möser Tobias Austria Pro T165
  Griffiths Niklas Germany Pro T165
  Lenssen Bosse Germany Pro T165
  Elender Florian Germany Pro T165
  Vonbank Michael Austria Pro T165
  Siemers Alexander Germany AM T165
  Verschaeren Alexander Luxembourg Pro T165
  Chiarenza Marco Italy Pro T165
  Poths Sebastian Germany Pro T165
  Magalhaes Joao Portugal Pro T165
  Kolleritsch Maximilian Germany Pro T165
  Blanco Manu Spain Pro T165
  Briem Yannick Germany Pro T165
  Kasa Adam Hungary Pro T165
  Mayr Kurt Austria Pro T165
  Guldan Nico Germany AM T165
  Junk Simon Germany Pro T165
24.09.2022 09:34          
Eligibility to play          
After entry deadline the top 72 players of the 2022 Pro Golf Tour order of merit will get a spot in the tournament.
Players can only take part in the tournament if they have played at least three tournaments in the season 2022.


Pro Am Professionals

1 Antonisse Dario Netherlands
2 Auboin Antoine France
3 Bootsma Philip Netherlands
4 Cafourek Jan Czech Republic
5 De Bondt Alan Belgium
6 De Bruyn Jannik Germany
7 Fleer Finn Germany
8 Fuchs Dennis Germany
9 Guichard Clement France
10 Hirmer Michael Germany
11 Iten Marco Switzerland
12 Katich Philipp Germany
13 Kraai Stan Netherlands
14 Markovits Mats Netherlands
15 Pansart Mathis France
16 Perkins Trystan England
17 Schulz Felix Austria
18 Schütz Yannick Germany
19 Simpson Henry France
20 Toorop Mike Netherlands
21 Van Doren Yente Belgium
22 Veyret Victor France


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Tee times Castanea Resort Championship 2022

Day Tee # Player 1 Player 2 Player 3
Round 3, 28.09.2022
Castanea Golf Resort
08:30 Tee 1 Hugo Esposito Arnaud Ahoua
08:40 Tee 1 Ayoub Lguirati Paul Foulquie
08:50 Tee 1 Yannick Schütz Max Albertus Mike Toorop
09:00 Tee 1 Felix Schulz Antoine Auboin Nicolas Calvet
09:10 Tee 1 Lukas Gras Jean De Wouters Linus Lang
09:20 Tee 1 Alan De Bondt Leonard Bem Pedro Lencart
09:40 Tee 1 Camille Bordone Gabriel Naveau James Meyer de Beco
09:50 Tee 1 Philip Bootsma Andoni Etchenique Philipp Katich
10:00 Tee 1 Owen Edwards Dominik Pietzsch Clement Guichard
10:10 Tee 1 Lassi Burman Michael Hirmer Jannik De Bruyn
10:20 Tee 1 Mathis Pansart Luca Galliano Marco Iten
10:30 Tee 1 Victor Veyret Christian Bräunig Alexandre Petit
08:30 Tee 10 Ales Korinek Dario Antonisse Victor Trehet
08:40 Tee 10 Brandon Dietzel Ferdinand Mueller Joao Girao
08:50 Tee 10 Clemens Gaster Clément Heurtin Benedikt Thalmayr
09:00 Tee 10 Trystan Perkins Yente Van Doren Stan Kraai
09:10 Tee 10 Antoine Pouguet Fraser Moore Loris Schüpbach
09:20 Tee 10 Zeno Felder Yannik Alexander Aydan Verdonk
09:40 Tee 10 Louis Darthenay Henry Simpson Carl Bertrand
09:50 Tee 10 Jan Cafourek Julius Kreutzer Fiorino Clerici
10:00 Tee 10 Lars Buijs Sebastian F. Sliwka Dennis Fuchs
10:10 Tee 10 Mats Markovits Alex Hietala Hannes Hilburger
10:20 Tee 10 Tom Büschges Finn Fleer Stepan Danek
10:30 Tee 10 Nicklas Blyth Michal Pospisil Max Lechner
Round 2, 27.09.2022
Castanea Golf Resort
08:30 Tee 1 Antoine Pouguet Brandon Dietzel Leonard Bem
08:40 Tee 1 Stepan Danek Ales Korinek Lukas Gras
08:50 Tee 1 Linus Lang Clément Heurtin Loris Schüpbach
09:00 Tee 1 Carl Bertrand Paul Foulquie Michal Pospisil
09:10 Tee 1 Ferdinand Mueller Camille Bordone Lars Buijs
09:20 Tee 1 Jean De Wouters Alex Hietala Dennis Fuchs
09:40 Tee 1 Niklas Adank Yannik Alexander Louis Darthenay
09:50 Tee 1 Clemens Gaster Zeno Felder Sebastian F. Sliwka
10:00 Tee 1 Gabriel Naveau Hugo Esposito Owen Edwards
10:10 Tee 1 Arnaud Ahoua Andoni Etchenique Pedro Lencart
10:20 Tee 1 Tom Büschges Lassi Burman Nathan Trey
10:30 Tee 1 Joao Girao Nicklas Blyth Nicolas Calvet
08:30 Tee 10 Mats Markovits Antoine Auboin Mathis Pansart
08:40 Tee 10 Henry Simpson Yannick Schütz Clement Guichard
08:50 Tee 10 Trystan Perkins Jannik De Bruyn Marco Iten
09:00 Tee 10 Dario Antonisse Philipp Katich Jan Cafourek
09:10 Tee 10 Mike Toorop Victor Veyret Felix Schulz
09:20 Tee 10 Yente Van Doren Michael Hirmer Alan De Bondt
09:40 Tee 10 Dominik Pietzsch Hannes Hilburger Fiorino Clerici
09:50 Tee 10 Fraser Moore Victor Trehet James Meyer de Beco
10:00 Tee 10 Max Lechner Julius Kreutzer Benedikt Thalmayr
10:10 Tee 10 Alexandre Petit Aydan Verdonk Max Albertus
10:20 Tee 10 Christian Bräunig Luca Galliano Ayoub Lguirati
10:30 Tee 10 Stan Kraai Finn Fleer Philip Bootsma
Round 1, 26.09.2022
Castanea Golf Resort
08:30 Tee 1 Dominik Pietzsch Hannes Hilburger Fiorino Clerici
08:40 Tee 1 Fraser Moore Victor Trehet James Meyer de Beco
08:50 Tee 1 Max Lechner Julius Kreutzer Benedikt Thalmayr
09:00 Tee 1 Alexandre Petit Aydan Verdonk Max Albertus
09:10 Tee 1 Christian Bräunig Luca Galliano Ayoub Lguirati
09:20 Tee 1 Stan Kraai Finn Fleer Philip Bootsma
09:40 Tee 1 Mats Markovits Antoine Auboin Mathis Pansart
09:50 Tee 1 Henry Simpson Yannick Schütz Clement Guichard
10:00 Tee 1 Trystan Perkins Jannik De Bruyn Marco Iten
10:10 Tee 1 Dario Antonisse Philipp Katich Jan Cafourek
10:20 Tee 1 Mike Toorop Victor Veyret Felix Schulz
10:30 Tee 1 Yente Van Doren Michael Hirmer Alan De Bondt
08:30 Tee 10 Niklas Adank Yannik Alexander Louis Darthenay
08:40 Tee 10 Clemens Gaster Zeno Felder Sebastian F. Sliwka
08:50 Tee 10 Gabriel Naveau Hugo Esposito Owen Edwards
09:00 Tee 10 Arnaud Ahoua Andoni Etchenique Pedro Lencart
09:10 Tee 10 Tom Büschges Lassi Burman Nathan Trey
09:20 Tee 10 Joao Girao Nicklas Blyth Nicolas Calvet
09:40 Tee 10 Antoine Pouguet Brandon Dietzel Leonard Bem
09:50 Tee 10 Stepan Danek Ales Korinek Lukas Gras
10:00 Tee 10 Linus Lang Clément Heurtin Loris Schüpbach
10:10 Tee 10 Carl Bertrand Paul Foulquie Michal Pospisil
10:20 Tee 10 Ferdinand Mueller Camille Bordone Lars Buijs
10:30 Tee 10 Jean De Wouters Alex Hietala Dennis Fuchs